I was searching online this week to find some local produce and I found out that there is a Farmer's Market every Saturday. Ben's Dad and Company came down and met us there (ok, they beat us there even though we live 20 minutes away).

I do my best to feed my family as many fresh fruit and vegetables as I can and I love that I can support local farmers and keep my family healthy at the same time! Glennis and the girls got some organic blueberries for cheaper than you can get at the grocery store and I bought some cucumbers, green beans, squash, purple hull peas and some lime basil. It smells just like a fresh cut lime - I can't wait to put it in a mexican dish, or as Glennis mentioned, some salsa. Mmmm. AND I bought a purple bell pepper...it was so cool - I've never seen one before.

They had everything from produce to hand carved wood kitchen accessories to pots of moss. There was one pot of that moss that was $100...umm, serioulsy? For moss? I didn't get it. They also had some of the most beautiful fresh flowers you have ever seen. I wish I could have gotten a picture of the bouquets people were leaving with. Thank goodness the market was under a pavillion because it was HOT. Jackson kept cool by stealing his Pawpaw's ice. He eventually got one of the ice cubes stuck around his thumb and just sucked on it until it melted off...

My mom and brother stopped back by on their way home last week and I hated that they had to leave on Friday because I really wanted them to go to the Market with us...maybe next time.

We had a really good visit with them and we're glad they were able to stay a little longer than when they passed through a few weeks ago. Jackson has really enjoyed having them around so much lately.

I'm glad - there's nothing better than getting to grow up with your family constantly loving on you. I'm so glad my children will have such a great family to surround them - there just isn't much better that that.
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