Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Jackson was really excited about our company ( as were we!) this past weekend. He kept calling them his "bisitors". He would say, "Where are my bisitors?", "Are my bisitors staying the night?" and at bedtime, "But I dont want to go to bed because I really need my bisitors!" He was slightly in love with Annabelle. Oh and he wanted her bow on at all times. If she took it off he would tell Ashley to please put it back on. Little wierd child of mine.

My cousin Ashley, her husband Sam and their precious little girl Annabelle came to visit us from Texas this past weekend - we had the best time! Also, our Aunt Missy, Uncle Jackie, our other cousin Alex and his girlfriend Lizzy came up from Meridian to see all of the babies...

We were all showered with a ton of presents - please come back again this weekend!

Oh and I won a "Digiorno Pizza Party" from Houseparty and we had it while everyone was here on Sunday. Yep, that's right. My 5th grade class got better grades than yours (sticking tongue out). So hmpf.

We had such a great weekend. Hope ya'll did too!

1 comment:

Anna said...

I so loved it! I wanna come back ASAP!! Kiss babies for me!!